Complying with GTE requirements

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement is a crucial piece of documentation that all international students must submit to get a study visa in Australia. It assesses the integrity of the applicant’s purpose of entering the country—that they’re only doing so primarily for education and not to pursue residency. In this guide, we’ll delve into GTE requirements and how you can help your students comply with them, particularly the GTE personal statement.


What is considered in the GTE?

The GTE considers multiple factors that demonstrate a student’s genuine intention to stay in Australia to gain an education. These include:

  • personal circumstances in one’s home country
  • potential circumstances in Australia
  • immigration history
  • value of the desired education in one’s future
  • other matters relevant to an intention to remain in Australia temporarily.

For students below 18 years old, the intentions of their parent, legal guardian or spouse are also assessed.


How to comply with the GTE requirement

To comply with the GTE requirement, students must submit a personal statement addressing their intention to enter Australia temporarily as a student. This should be written in English, typically in 300 words and with a 2,000-character limit. It must address one’s purpose and circumstances for undertaking their proposed study in Australia. In addition to this, applicants may also be required to attach supporting documents to back up claims declared in their personal statement.


What to include in a GTE personal statement

The Australian government encourages internal students to include the following evidence and information in their GTE personal statement:

Previous study

The student must talk about their previous education, ideally highlighting academic achievements that could qualify their pursuit for further education in Australia. They should include names of past education providers and periods of study. They may also submit academic transcripts and certificates of attainment.

If there were gaps in previous studies (e.g., the student took a break in between semesters), they must also address this, providing valid reasons for not maintaining enrolment.

Current employment

Employed students need to provide information on their current employer, such as the nature of their work, period of employment, company address and references.

Ties to country of residence

To prove that they’re returning to their country of residence after completing their studies, applicants must submit evidence of financial, family or social ties. These may include ongoing employment, presence of close family members in the home country and property or other significant assets that show significant incentives to go back.

Financial capacity

The Australian government wants to ensure that international students can afford the cost of education and day-to-day living in the country as they study. Applicants must exhibit their economic situation. They can do this by providing documents showing employment or business activities for the past year, potential employment offers and income tax returns or bank statements.

Supporting evidence

Students may be required to supply supporting evidence to back up claims made in their personal statements. These may include official government or financial documents, as well as other articles that may complement relevant declarations. For example, if a student is taking up a course that enhances their job prospects for an industry that needs more staff, they can provide evidence of employment advertisements from the country to show it.


Tips for writing a GTE personal statement

Writing a GTE personal statement might get intimidating since the burden of proof lies with the student. But with clear intentions, it’s easy to comply with GTE requirements. It’s best to be honest and straightforward with one’s declarations, avoiding any misleading information. Applicants must be consistent in their claims and provide clear and accurate documentation for all requirements.

Before writing a GTE personal statement, it’s recommended that students do some research about their chosen course, institution and the Australian education system as a whole. They should also read up on the GTE itself to better understand how it’s assessed so that they can provide adequate details.


The GTE interview

After submitting the required documents, applicants will have to attend a GTE interview with a case officer to further verify their personal statement and documentation. The officer will likely ask questions about the details already declared previously.

GTE interviews can be done at an Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC) or online by visa conference call.

To prepare for the interview, a student should review their application and study the details in their GTE personal statement. That way, they’ll be ready to provide more information when asked. Applicants should also read up on their institution and course, as well as the general Australian educational landscape. That way, they can exhibit their readiness to pursue their studies in the country.

Students must be as honest and straightforward in their GTE interview as they were in writing their GTE letter. It’s best to provide facts and provide evidence to prove one’s true intentions for studying in Australia.


How long is GTE approval?

Once the GTE requirement is submitted, it typically takes between four to six weeks to process. This may vary on a case-by-case basis and depending on the country where the application is being processed.

While it may not guarantee faster turnarounds, providing complete and substantial information and documents may push faster and more favourable results.


Why is the GTE requirement important?

Australia is a top study-abroad destination that openly welcomes international students to its shores. But in doing so, its government wants to make sure that these entrants are purposefully entering the country to study and have the intention to return home after graduating. The GTE requirements are a measure to prevent the misuse of student visas.

If the Australian Immigration Office deems a student’s GTE requirement inadequate—that is, if they see that a student has no honest intention to remain only temporarily in the country—they may be denied a student visa. Therefore, properly complying with GTE requirements is a crucial step in an international learner’s application to study in Australia.


Learn more about study requirements in Australia

The GTE is but one of the many requirements to study in Australia. To help students achieve their dream of pursuing education in the country, we must help them navigate the different application processes involved with the move. Speak to one of our Global Study Partners (GSP) business development experts to learn more about study requirements in Australia!

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